Timetable, Pricing and Booking


Monday: Restore, 930am – 1030am.

Wednesday: Slow Flow Vinyasa, 930am – 1030am.

Friday: Slow Flow Vinyasa, 930am – 1030am

Practice typically moves in alignment with the school terms however a pared-backed offering unfolds during school holidays:

Term 1: Wednesday 29 January – Friday 04 April, 2025

Term 2: Tuesday 22 April – Friday 04 July, 2025

Term 3: Monday 21 July – Friday 19 September, 2025

Term 4: Monday 06 October – Friday 19 December, 2025

Please ensure you are signed up to the newsletter for updates.


In the essence of simplicity, each class is pay-as-you-go for $15.

Payments can be made via cash or direct banking transfer.


Please text message Kristie on 0419 371 127 with your name, class date and time as well as detailing your preferred payment method. Confirmation of your booking, address and parking details will be provided on booking.

Terms and Conditions

  • I value your time just as much as you so I respectfully request as much notice as possible for cancellations, however I do appreciate that in our hyper-sensitive climate, this may not always be possible.
  • Cancellations made less than 8 hours before the booked class will be charged at the booked rate. 
  • Cancellations are to be made via text message to Kristie 0419 371 127.
  • Class passes are not transferable.
  • No refunds.
  • As is the nature of life, there are occasions when it may be necessary for a class to be cancelled. I will always ensure that this is the last resort. If class does need to be cancelled, and you had pre-paid, this will roll into the next class.

‘A woman in harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing. She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at her destination prepared to be herself and only herself.’

Maya Angelou